The APMAA research
sessions comprise two panel sessions, competitive paper sessions
and development paper sessions. We provide
guidelines for presenters, moderators and discussants who play
core role in parallel sessions.
Microsoft CMT <>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018 6:31 AM
Subject: (very important) Assigning discussant and
moderator positions
We have completed the proposed parallel session
presentation schedule and already uploaded its PDF file in Please
open the PDF file as soon as possible and confirm your
session data including the email address.
Almost all presenters have been assigned the role of a
discussant of the paper presented in his/her session. Some
have been assigned the moderator role of his/her session
also. The Guidelines for Presenters, Moderators and
Discussants are in
About the change of role, please talk to each other within the
session. The PDF provides you the email addresses of all
presenters, discussants and moderators. Would you please
inform me the final result in a few days, say, by September
25 if your session has any change? If you need a camera
ready copy, please directly request and receive it from the presenter by
Since we are under strict time constraints, we must go
through this process in a few days. I would appreciate it if
you accept this proposed schedule as it is.
Prof Dr Susumu Ueno, Chair of the APMAA Board
CP=Competitive Paper Sessions
(15 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
DP=Development Paper
Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
DC=Doctoral Colloquium
(20 min. presentation, 15 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
Room 4 |
Room 5 |
Room 6 |
October 29 |
09.20-11.00 |
Board Meeting |
DC1 2papers |
DC2 2papers |
DC3 2papers |
11.20-12.00 |
Opening/ Picture taking |
12.00-13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30-15.00 |
*Special Session T
(Asia Top Schools) |
26,5,14 |
124,111,112 |
DC4 2papers |
DC5 2papers |
DC6 2papers |
15.30-17.00 |
Seminar |
21,33,135 |
114,92,108 |
66,88,83 |
115,62,72 |
17.40-20.00 |
Welcome Reception at Rihga Royal Hotel |
October 30 |
09.00-10.00 |
6, 138 |
113,97 |
101, 42
100, 59 |
131,142 |
10.20-11.50 |
118,19,16 |
134,37,79 |
*Special Session U(Evolution) |
57,109,93 |
102 |
11.50-12.50 |
Lunch |
12.50-17.00 |
CFO Symposium at Ibuka Hall |
17.40-20.00 |
Conference Dinner
at Rihga Royal Hotel |
October 31 |
09.00-10.30 |
7,127,56 |
65,133,71 |
36, 10,14 |
48,52,143 |
69,104,140 |
10.50-12.20 |
129,35,98 |
119,29,61 |
90,123,125 |
4,22,58 |
74,17,95 |
12.20-13.50 |
Lunch |
12.30-13.30 Executive Meeting |
13.50-15.20 |
32,141,15 |
27,44,50 |
70,87,77 |
53,73,39 |
2019, 2020 & 2021 organizers’ meeting |
15.40-17.10 |
45,30,103 |
101,13,136 |
117,91,18 |
54,89,107 |
80,51 |
2019, 2020 & 2021 reviewers’ meeting |
17.40-20.00 |
Farewell Party at Rihga Royal Hotel |
November 1 |
09.00-17.30 |
Company Visits |
Session T (13.30-15.00, Oct.29): Prof. Jimmy Tsay moderates the
forum, tentatively entitled “Management Accounting Research and
Education in Asia Top Accounting Schools” ((Panelists: Prof.
Taiwan University; Prof. Iny Hwang, Soul National University; Prof.
Yasheng Chen, Xiamen University; Commentator: Prof. Michael Tse,
Chairman of Institute of Certified Management Accountant, Australia).
Session U (10.20-11.50, Oct. 30): This
session is a structured session focusing on the management accounting
evolution. Interesting findings from the management accounting
evolution research projects conducted in four different countries –
China, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam will be presented.
Presenters are Prof. Kanibhatti Nitirojntanad, Prof. Kanitsorn
Terdpaopong (Thailand), Prof. Normah Omar (Malaysia), Prof. Robert C.
Rickards and Prof. Rolf Ritsert (Germany).
(Events of Day 1, 2, 3 & 4)
Events on
Day One
(October 29: International Conference
08.30- 18.30
Registration (International Conference Center; Rihga Royal
09.20-11.00 Board of Directors Meeting
09.30-10.50 Doctoral Colloquium (20 min. presentation, 15
min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
11.20-12.00 Opening Ceremony/Picture taking
13.30-14.50 Doctoral Colloquium (20 min. presentation, 15
min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
13.30-15.00 Parallel Session (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
13.30-15.00 Special Session T (Asia Top Accounting Schools)
15.00-15.30 Afternoon Break
15.30-16.30 Doctoral Seminar
15.30-17.00 Parallel Session (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
17.40-20.00 Welcome Reception at Rihga Royal Hotel
Events on
Day Two (October 30:
International Conference Center)
08.30- 18.30
Registration (International Conference Center; Rihga Royal
09.00-10.00 Parallel Session (20 min. presentation, 5 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
10.00-10.20 Morning Break
10.20-11.50 Parallel Sessions (20 min. presentation, 5 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
10.20-11.50 Special SessionU
11.40-12.50 Lunch for All
12.50-17.00 APMAA
2018 CFO /Controller Symposium at Ibuka Masaru Memorial
Hall in the International Conference Center.
13.00-14.00 Plenary (CFO) Session (Presentation plus Q&A)
14.00-15.10 Controller Panel Session (sponsored by The
Institute of Internal Auditors Japan)
15.10-15.30 Afternoon Break
15.30-17.00 CEO/CFO Panel Session
17.40-20.00 Welcome Reception at Rihga Royal Hotel
Events on
Day Three (October 31:
International Conference Center)
08.30- 14.00
Registration (International Conference Center; Rihga Royal
09.00-10.30 Parallel Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
09.00-10.30 Development Paper Sessions (15 min.
presentation, 10 min. discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
10.30-10.50 Morning Break
10.50-12.20 Parallel Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
12.20-13.50 Lunch for All
13.50-15.20 Parallel Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
15.20-15.40 Afternoon Break
15.40-17.10 Parallel Sessions (15 min. presentation, 10 min.
discussion, 5 min. Q&A)
17.40-20.00 Farewell Meeting at Rihga Royal Hotel
Events on
Day Three (October 31:
Conference Room 3, F4, 11th Building)
12.30-13.30 Executive Meeting with lunch
13.50-15.20 The 2019, 2020 & 2021Conference Organizers
15.40-17.00 The Conference Paper Reviewers Meeting
Events on
Day Four (November 1)
One-day tour to
factories for international participants
Special Session
Management Accounting Research and Education
in Asia Top Accounting Schools
Tsay, Yang-Tzong,
Professor Emeritus, National Taiwan
The APMAA 2018 Annual Conference is not far away from now.
This year we have received many quality papers to be
presented and have a good number of participants from
domestic and foreign countries to join the conference. We
think this is a great opportunity than ever before for
educators and scholars in the region to share with each
other not only their own but also their institutions
experience in teaching and doing research in management
accounting, with a hope of promoting better understanding of
and quick learning from each other.
The Conference Organizing Committee has
planned to hold a special forum entitled “Management
Accounting Research and Education in Asia Top Accounting
Schools”, in which 3 prominent professors are invited to
serve as panelists in the Forum sharing with the audience
the current status and future developments in management
accounting education and research in their respective
university. Another professor with global perspectives is
invited to help us summarize and comment on the above three
presentations in this Forum. The panel discussions are
deemed to be very interesting and valuable.
This will be a first forum of its kind in
APMAA’s history. Definitely we know that there are many more
top Accounting Schools in Asia. Due to time constraint we
couldn’t invite more professors and top accounting schools
to make presentations in the Forum. However we encourage you
to participate in the discussions. And hope that we can
continue forum of this kind in the future so that more
educators and researchers can exchange ideas for future
The Forum is scheduled on October 29,
13:30-15:00. Each presenter and the commentator will have
15-20 minutes to make his presentation or comments. Before
we conclude the forum, we will reserve some time for
interactions between the panelists and the audience.
TSAY, Jimmy, Professor Emeritus, National
Taiwan University
CHEN, Yasheng, Professor, Xiamen University
HWANG, Iny, Professor, Seoul National
LIU, Shuen-Zen, Professor and Chairman,
National Taiwan University
TSE, Michael,
Institute of
Certified Management Accountants, Australia
Special Session II: Stage of Management Accounting Evolution (SMAE) in Asia
The APMAA Collaborative
Research Project team on Stage of Managem ent
Evolution (SMAE) in Asia (A multiple-year project started in
2017) made an interim-report. A signing ceremony
was conducted among team members as the photo shows. Papers
related to practices in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and
China were reported.
Rough timeframe for the research team.
Actions |
Each research
team conducts the research and writes manuscripts |
Meet in
Thailand – Following up the project |
comparative study in the same time with writing a
chapter of each national MAP by each research team |
Each country
send the chapter |
Combined book
chapter |
Meet in Qatar
outputs |
written |
papers |
Draft of the book chapter |
Nov. |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
2018 |
2019 |
How to go through an Accounting Doctoral
Program: Tips from Supervisors
15.30-16.30, 29th October 2018
During the seminar, doctoral students could
obtain valuable tips from panelists about how
to go through an Accounting Doctoral Program.
Panelists are incumbent supervisors who can address issues
and problems that PhD students have to face and will
provide answers based on their rich experiences.
The seminar will focus on five
a.writing a good
proposal and a dissertation,
b.establishing trust with professors and
class mates,
dissertation on a scholarly journal,
d.getting a position
in an academic institution,
e.balancing family and
doctoral degree.
prof. Wnuk-Pel, Tomasz (University
of Łódź, Poland,

prof. Hosomi, Shoichiro, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Japan
prof. Sriyalatha Kumarasinghe, University of
Otago, New Zealand
prof. Lin, Hsaio-Lun Lin, National Taipei
University, Taiwan
Mimba Ni Putu Sri Harta, Udayana
University, Indonesia
Profiles of Practitioner Speakers
at the CFO /Controller Symposium
Mike Nishiyama, Representative Executive Officer,
Senior Vice President and Executive Officer, CFO of
Hitachi, Ltd.
日立製作所代表執行役 執行役専務CFO 兼 財務統括本部長
西山 光秋)
Nishiyama has extensive experience in Accounting,
Finance, Internal Control, M&A, and Management in
Hitachi group companies in Japan and the United
States since he joined Hitachi in 1979. His work
experience includes the followings: Director,
Hitachi America, Ltd. (San Francisco); CFO, Hitachi
PC Corporation (San Jose); Senior Director, Hitachi
Global Technologies, Inc. (San Jose), General
Manager, Finance Department, Hitachi, Ltd. (Tokyo);
CFO, CPO, Hitachi Cable, Ltd. (Tokyo); President,
Cable Materials Company, Hitachi Metals, Ltd.
(Tokyo); CFO, CIO, CHRO, Hitachi Metals, Ltd.
(Tokyo). He earned a Bachelor of Economics from
Tohoku University in 1979, a Master of Business
Administration degree from Georgia State University
in 1990.
Kazuhisa Fujita, Senior Vice President, General
Manager for Internal Audit Dept. of Mitsubishi
Corporation (
三菱商事株式会社 理事 監査部長 藤田和久)
After graduating with an LL.B. of the University of
Tokyo, in March 1985, Mr. Fujita joined a Japanese
leading trading company, Mitsubishi Corporation in
Tokyo, Japan. He hold LL.M., University of Cambridge
(1992), and completed Advanced Management Program,
Harvard University (2009). He occupied the
professional positions mainly in Legal Dept. for 33
years in Mitsubishi Corporation. In Jul. 2010,
Mitsubishi Corporation took him the position for
General Manager of Legal Dept. After 7 years’
contribution to this positon, he has served as
Senior Vice President, General Manager for Internal
Audit Dept. of Mitsubishi Corporation. Now, he has
also served as the following positions.; Director,
the Institute of Internal Auditors-Japan,
Commissioner, Arbitration Committee,
ICCJ(International Chamber of Commerce Japan), and
Director, the Foundation for Research in Civil
Dispute Resolution.
Yasumi Taniguchi, Country Market Leader of
Protiviti Japan
Protiviti LLP.
日本代表 マネージング・ディレクター 谷口靖美)
Ms. Taniguchi leads Protiviti’s
Japan governance, risk management, internal control
and Internal Audit and Financial Advisory practices.
She is a founding Managing Director of Protiviti
Japan. Ms. Yasumi was named as one of top 13 Women
Leaders for the 2015 Women Leaders in Consulting
Award by Consulting Magazine. Ms. Yasumi has led
several Sarbanes-Oxley engagements of Japanese US
SEC registered companies. She also coordinated
overseas US and J-SOX engagements with Protiviti
international offices for many leading Japanese
international companies. She has built and managed a
successful team of professionals in Japan while
coordinating global teams in US, Europe, China,
India Brazil, and other locations over past 15
years extending Protiviti’s relationships and
capabilities. Prior to joining Protiviti, Ms. Yasumi
spent over 15 years with Arthur Andersen serving in
both the US and in Japan. She performed financial
statement audits and due diligence work for Japanese
companies in the US and with large US global
companies with her US CPA certificate.
Yoshimasa Ogino, Executive Vice President,
Representative Director & Member of the Board, CFO
Shortly after graduating with a Master of Science
degree in Electrical Engineering from Shizuoka
University in Shizuoka, Japan in March 1975, Mr.
Ogino joined a Japanese leading trading company,
Itochu Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. With 29 years’
experience in ITOCHU Corporation, he occupied the
professional, managerial and executive positions in
the business management in Japan, Middle East, South
East Asia, USA, and Australia. During his employment
with ITOCHU Corporation, he earned a Master of
Business Administration degree from the University
of Chicago in Illinois in June 1984. In July 2004,
he joined Akebono Brake Industry CO., LTD in
Saitama, Japan. He has served in executive positions
in various segments; corporate planning,
administration, human resources, finance,
accounting, investor relations, public relations,
after market, and also top management of operations
in the USA, Europe and Asia. Now, he focuses on
Finance & Accounting as CFO.
Ryohei Yanagi,
Ph. D.
Chief Financial Officer, Eisai Co.,
Ltd. (
Certified Management Accountant, Visiting
Professor, Waseda University, Visiting Professor,
Toyo University
Dr. Yanagi holds a Ph.D. in economics from Kyoto
University, Japan. He also obtained an MBA with
distinction from Thunderbird Graduate School of
Global Management, Arizona, USA. In connection with
corporate value enhancement activities in Japan, he
has been one of the drafting members of METI’s “Ito
Review” (Japanese version of Kay Review) and was
instrumental in establishing the “ROE 8% guideline”.
He has also gathered evidence and advised the TSE on
corporate disclosure and governance to promote
improvement of the earnings guidance system and IFRS
adoption and disclosure. He is also a member of the
ICGN Disclosure and Transparency Committee since
September 2017. He was selected as the Best CFO in
Japan’s healthcare sector in 2016 and 2017 by
Institutional Investor whereas ranked in the Top 10
CFOs by Forbes Japan for the second consecutive year
as well. In addition, he was granted the Best
Teaching Award 2017 by President Kamata, Waseda
University. Dr. Yanagi has also written and
published many books and theses on corporate
governance, corporate finance, and investor
relations in Japan. His new book, Corporate
Governance and Value Creation in Japan, will be
published from Springer in May.
Event on Day Four (November 1): Company
You must
complete a registration/payment for the conference before
requesting the bus tour seat.
We offer
overseas participants
two types of company visits (bus tours) on Day4.
a. Bus tour to the Tokyo Works of Hitachi Kokusai
Electric Inc. and Sightseeing in Tokyo (Nov. 1)
Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo (9.00)
Kokusai Electric(10.00-13.30)→
Sightseeing Spots in Tokyo(14.30-16.30) →
Tokyo Station
→Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo (17.30)
b. Bus tour to the Akebono Brake Iwatsuki
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Nov. 1)
After visiting Akebono factory, we will go to Sky
Tree, Asakusa, and Ginza Six for sightseeing!
Royal Hotel Tokyo (9.00)
(10.00-13.00)→Sightseeing Spots in Tokyo(14.00-16.00) →JR
Tokyo Station
Rihga Royal
Hotel Tokyo (17.00)
Tokyo Works
of Hitachi Kokusai Electoruc Inc.
Hitachi Kokusai Electric was formed in October 2000
from the merger of three Hitachi Group companies
engaged in businesses related to video, wireless
communications, and semiconductor manufacturing
equipment. Since then, the company strived to build
infrastructure for a safe and affluent society under
our corporate statement (“Hitachi Kokusai Electric
Group strives to realize a society of security,
safety, and happiness; creates value by applying
advanced technologies; and pushes the boundaries of
tomorrow”) and the Hitachi Kokusai Electric Way (“1.
Customers First; 2. Global Leader; 3. Human Assets;
4. Basics and Ethics; 5. Harmony, Sincerity, and
Pioneering Spirit”).
The Tokyo Works
is an integrated facility that develops, designs and
manufactures public communication system such as
emergency communication systems and train
communication systems, as well as broadcasting
systems, monitoring systems, inspection equipment
and other such broadcasting and video system
products. Major Products : Wireless Communications
and Information Systems , Broadcasting and Video
32 Miyuki-cho, Kodaira-shi,TOKYO 187-8511, Japan
TEL +81 (0)42-322-3111 (Rep) FAX
+81 (0)42-322-0313
Brake Industry Co., Ltd.
Founded in
1929, as a dedicated brake manufacturer, Akebono has
a long history of contributing to society by
providing both safety and peace of mind.
Mainly through
our automotive OEM disc brake pad business and other
products such as disk brakes and drum brakes,
Akebono has grown its automotive brake business in
12 countries around the world.
Akebono has
expanded beyond our core automotive brake business
into other areas, supplying brakes for motorcycles,
industrial machinery and railways including Japan’s
acclaimed Shinkansen.
In 2007, we
began participating in Formula 1 ™ racing, the
world’s most prestigious racing event, as a
technical partner of the McLaren team, and through
these challenges, Akebono has continued to develop
and refine its brake technology.
Akebono Brake Iwatsuki Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Founded in 1962,
Iwatsuki Manufacturing is our global mother plant
where is a source of “technology and monozukuri-manufacturing
disc brakes, drum brakes, brakes for rolling stocks
and industrial machinery.
Number of associates: 870 |